A new exhibition opens in June in WAM’s cafe. In the exhibition Home of a Hundred Artists, there are works of eleven artists who have worked in the Parrantie atelier houses in Turku. The atelier houses have served as homes and workspaces for local artists for more than 50 years. However, this summer the houses will be demolished.

The atelier houses of Parrantie were built in the Kastu district in 1968. The two terraced houses have ten apartment and studio combinations where around 100 local visual artists and their families have lived.  The atelier houses are unique in the Finnish art scene. They are also a good example of the terraced architecture of their time. The Museum Centre of Turku finds it important that the local art life remains vibrant. The museum has issued a statement in favour of preserving the Parrantie atelier houses. Nevertheless, the houses will be demolished due to indoor air problems in the summer of 2021.

The Turku City Art Collection contains numerous works by the Parrantie artists. A small sample of these is now seen in WAM's cafe. The selected works depict artists, their community, and their life in Turku. There are works from five decades and eleven artists: Annika Dahlsten, Hilkka Könönen, Veikko Lehtovaara, Einari Levo, Viljo Mäkinen, Leo Niemi, Maarit Nissilä, Kimmo Ojaniemi, Merja Pitkänen and Sirpa Särkijärvi.

Picture: Sirpa Särkijärvi: Pink Sunset, 2009. Acrylic on canvas. Turku City Art Collection. Photo: Martti Puhakka.


